Monday 6 April 2009

The DOWNSIDE of working with people!!

In terms of photography I mean. Last Sunday I had a photoshoot booked, I got a cool location, I booked a model and one of my friends was helping as a second shooter and assistant. Well, guess what? the model was a NO SHOW!!!! what a [insert F word here] disaster.

U N B E L I E V A B L E, did she give us enough notice? of course not, she only sent a text message at the time she was supposed to arrive. Sad thing I really had big hopes for this one, she had great communication beforehand and all went to waste.

Oh and you read it correctly "she sent a text" not even a phone call. I remember reading on the news that some employers were sending texts to their employees when firing them!! well I felt exactly that way.

Have you had this kind of deceptions? and that goes without mentioning I declined an invitation to a barbecue when the day was so sunny and perfect! today it's back to normal here in Manchester: windy, rainy and pretty lame :( better luck next time...

Am I going to contact her again for a shoot? hmmm well I have a chicken heart really but I am not sure if she invented the emergency or if it was real... we are humans after all, BUT today I am totally pissed off.

Until next time Valdo writing from all wet Manchester...

UPDATE: Aaron Johnson hit the nail with this cartoon!!

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