Monday, 22 March 2010

Update: Extra! Extra!

I’ve been too busy for the last two weeks. As you can imagine, these were full of emotions: leaving Manchester and coming back to Mexico; the wedding of my youngest sister; going back to work (waking up early again, yikes!); meeting lots of friends and acquaintances; and buying stuff for the new house (oh I forgot to mention finding a house). In sum it’s been real crazy…

Before coming back I met with my closest friends from the Photo Group. I met them all through Flickr and honestly it was great to share with them so many experiences. I’m sure we will be able to keep in touch regardless of the ocean between us (promise to get on Twitter this year).  Thanks guys! it was great to meet you all. Here a photo of the night taken by Paul:

Goodbye Valdo!

Immediately after arriving was party time and I had to get a smoking/tux for my sister’s wedding, no need to say that we had a blast. I’m still waiting for the Tog to upload his pictures of the night, I will post a pic of me looking like a penguin then. In the meantime, V was having a great time being a princess:


I will leave my first week at work and house finding efforts for another post so…                      stay tuned ;¬)




Monday, 8 March 2010

I’m feeling fine

The first thing I get asked lately is how I’m feeling about going back to Mexico, honestly?

… Fine. I’m  fine, fine…

Fine, but as in an “Italian Job” kinda fine which you know means: Fu’ed up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional.

Yeah, I’m certainly feeling Insecure and Emotional right now.

Good Bye Manchester and Friends!!!! The world is smaller than I thought when I first came here so I’m sure we’ll clash again somewhere…


                                                    The Valdo


Thursday, 4 March 2010

New Doctor


Yes, on 1st March 2010 I received my PhD Certificate.

This was a very happy day indeed! this is for my family that supported me all these years. Now I can sign as Dr. Valdo ^_^

I have to say though, that the certificate is quite disappointing in itself. We all had a laugh about how one could get a better looking one in the err black market ;¬) well all the efforts end in this, a plain looking piece of paper. Now a different life begins!!


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Been Busy Lately

I haven’t been writing in this blog for a while now. It is not that I don’t want to. No, scratch that: I really didn’t want to write anything else after finishing the thesis!!

However, now I am feeling in a much better mood and I want to tell you how it all went…

I submitted the thesis back in November, after that we spent some nice holidays in Paris. It was a well deserved holiday for all the family and a great opportunity to take some pictures in that beautiful city.

While in Paris I got an email saying that my Viva (the Thesis defence) was going to be on 28th Jan! Obviously January was a blur full of excitement and finally the Viva date arrived.

The week previous to the Viva was the worst ever, I was really scared but the examiners were actually very nice on the day and after two hours I ran away with only minor scratches. After a week or so I submitted the minor corrections, these were approved, I printed the final copies, submitted them in beautiful black covers and Bob’s your uncle! wait for the certificate to be made…

… and yesterday…


… To be continued.
